You can get paid for time spent surfing the internet:
The Internet is becoming an increasingly popular place to advertise, even to non-internet companies. The best type of program so far has been to actually pay internet users to browse the web. And the best of it is that they will not only pay you to browse the web, but they will even pay you when you refer your friends and they surf the web. Best of all it is completely FREE. There is absolutely NO OBLIGATION. There is NOTHING TO BUY OR SELL. AND YES, THEY REALLY PAY. Click here to see some checks paid from this companies. There are a lot of programs to choose. The following programs are my top picks of the Paid to Surf Programs. On the right (in yellow), you can see a general FAQ about this programs. On the link to the page of each program, you can see the FAQ for that specific program.
1. Where does all the money come from? This companies sells space to advertisers and sponsors. Part of this money is paid to you and your referrals (See question 3). They also save money, because they don't need to spend money on advertising to bring traffic to their site. 2. How much money will I be able to make? You will earn cash every hour you use the bar of any program. Additionally, you get cash for every hour your referrals and your extended referrals use the bar. See next question. 3. What are referrals? The referral system allows you to earn more by telling your friends about them. There are two types of referrals you can have- direct referrals and indirect referrals. Your direct referrals are friends and people you tell directly and who join them. Your indirect referrals are the people who your direct referrals tell, and who join them. Further, your indirect referrals may tell even more people. These people will also become your indirect referrals. The chain of referrals goes on up to a maximum of 8 levels on some programs, and there is no limit to the total number of people you can have in your network. The concept is easily visualised, as a tree that grows and spreads its branches out. 4. Is this a pyramid scheme? No, this is not a "pyramid" scheme because it costs you nothing to join and it costs your friends nothing to join. The money they pay you comes from advertisers. They just share that money with you and your friends for using the bar. Click here to see some checks paid for some companies. 5. Is membership free? Yes, it is. The companies does not charge its members to join or to download the bar. There is no fine print or catch involved. It's simple, you surf and they pay. Remember, you will never have to pay anything. And they really pay: click here to see some checks that companies pays to members. 6. How can I refer others? You may simply pass out your member ID number to your friends and family. When someone registers and uses you member ID you are credited with a referral. If you have a web-site you may use their banners, graphics and links to advertise the program and when someone clicks through from your site and registers, you will be credited with a referral. 7. Is this available all over the world? Yes, all the programs I have on my page are available world-wide. But there are some programs that starts first in a country, and then in others. 8. When can I start? Several programs are already working. You can make the download of the bar already and start earning cash. In other programs, the bar isn't ready yet, but you can start to refer your friends to the program. 9. What if I have more questions? Please contact me, I'll answer your question as soon as possible.
AllAdvantage is the pioneer of paying internet users to surf the web. Currently has over 4 million members.. After you join, you can download the viewbar immediately, if you live in US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and several EU members countries. You receive $.50/hour to surf the web while using their viewbar. In addition, they pay you when your referrals use it, up to 4 levels deep. You are allowed to use their viewbar 25 hours a month.
Accept people all over the world. They also pay the hours you are online as well as the hours people you refer to the program are online. The great thing about this one is the fact that they pay for unlimited hours.
DeskTopDollars are already paying. They pay for the time you're online, as well as the time your referrals are online. They pay up to 6 levels deep. And they are available world-wide.
GetPaid4 accept people all over the world. It's similar to any other "get paid to surf the web", but they pay up to 7 levels deep. You and your referrals are allowed to use the GetPaidbar for 75 hours a month.
NEW- ClickDough pays you to have an active pop-up window when you are online. The great thing about this one is that you will be paid for unlimited hours (like CashSurfers), and up to 8 levels deep.