War II (Hitler)

    Nostradamus                 Others Prophets             Make money on the internet


     Peace Conferences
     Economic Crisis
     It Dries Bonanza
     The Hunger
     Multiplication of cults
     Yugoslavia War
     Epidemic: Aids

Catholic Church



Conversations: Nostradamus

Letter to Cesar

Letter to Henry II

Realised Prophecies:
     Soviet Revolution
     World War I
     Hitler (World War II)
     Middle East
     Word Cup   

Future Prophecies



Hitler ( World War II)

The birth of Hitler (1889).
His fight against Soviet Union.
His death mystery.

Near the Rhine from the Noric mountains 
Will be born a great one of people come too late, 
One who will defend Sarmatia and the Pannonians, 
One will not know what will have become of him.   

History: " Hitler, son of an inspector of customs, was born in Braunau over the Inn, city on the border south Austrian-Bavarian, in 1889. In the fight against the Soviet Union, the Third Reich could count on the bracket of the Romania, the Hungary and the Slovenia. The participation of the Horthy Regent was more modest, because Budapest did not have no account to make right with Moscow; but a Hungarian, composite fast squadron of a motorised brigade and two brigades of cavalry, participated of this first phase of the campaign. When they had known that Jukov Marshal, Soviet commander-in-chief, would give a press conference in  9th of June, all directed there. He approached the question that, for all, was more important that any another one: the death of Hitler. However, he made it in surprising mode: ' the circumstances are very mysterious ' he said  ' we do not identify the body of Hitler. It swims I can say of definitive on its destination. We find many bodies, between them could be the Hitler body, but we cannot affirm that he is died. In day 10 Jukov found, in Frankfurt, the American supreme commander; Eisenhower who placed the very direct procedural question: ' What did the Russians know of the corpse of Hitler' and Jukov also answered the Russian soldiers had not found no vestige of the corpse of Hitler.

Austria, Point of start of the Nazi ideals.

A new sect of Philosophers 
Despising death, gold, honors and riches 
Will not be bordering upon the German mountains: 
To follow them they will have power and crowds.

History: " Hitler, son of an inspector of customs, was born in Braunau over the Inn, city on the border south Austrian-Bavarian, in 1889. In the fight against the Soviet Union, the Third Reich could count on the bracket of the Romania, the Hungary and the Slovenia. The participation of the Horthy Regent was more modest, because Budapest did not have no account to make right with Moscow; but a Hungarian, composite fast squadron of a motorised brigade and two brigades of cavalry, participated of this first phase of the campaign. When they had known that Jukov Marshal, Soviet commander-in-chief, would give a press conference in  9th of June, all directed there. He approached the question that, for all, was more important that any another one: the death of Hitler. However, he made it in surprising mode: ' the circumstances are very mysterious ' he said  ' we do not identify the body of Hitler. It swims I can say of definitive on its destination. We find many bodies, between them could be the Hitler body, but we cannot affirm that he is died. In day 10 Jukov found, in Frankfurt, the American supreme commander; Eisenhower who placed the very direct procedural question: ' What did the Russians know of the corpse of Hitler' and Jukov also answered the Russian soldiers had not found no vestige of the corpse of Hitler.

Taken of Power by Hitler (1933).
His thirteen years in Power,

The Lame One, he who lame could not reign in Sparta,
He will do much through seductive means: 
So that by the short and long, he will be accused 
Of making his perspective against the King.   

History: Nostradamus establishes a parallel between Esparta and nazis Germany, of a side, and Emperor Claudio and Hitler, of the other.
" Licurgo formed the espartan State... It instituted the Popular Assembly, that had only to pronounce itself with ' yes ' or ' not '... It gave to the State a military character, kept for a severe one disciplines, with education and meals in common. It all concentrated in its hands the executive... The espartan State was organised in function of the conquest; thus, its history is not more of the one than an interminable sequence of wars. It placed against its rival (Athens) almost all Greece... " " Claudio I, Roman, unhealthy, disfigured and shy Cesar, was abandoned in infancy the free slaves... Britain was conquered by it. It crossed the Reno and it pacified the right margin of the Danube (Austria). In the East, it conquered Armenia and the Thracian (the Balkans); in Africa, it conquered the Mauritania. In the inward, Claudio had to fight against the republican conspiracies. It drowned them in blood... Claudio reigned during thirteen years." As Hitler: 1933-1945. " the 30 of January of 1933, Hitler accepted the task to form the government. It substitutes the dictatorship in two stages. 1.º of February, the Reich is dissolved... The new Reich votes in Hitler, for four years, giving to him the plenary powers that he demands. It is the end of the Republic of Weimar... After some months of government, Hitler is attacked by the critical ones of the opposition. Hitler is worried. In the night of 30 of June of 1934, initiates the repression... Hitler concentrates in his hands all to be able them. Been born in Austria, in 1889, it knew the poverty, it was in asylums... unstable, with euphoria crises and depression, orator endowed with an extraordinary magnetism, it involves the listeners."

The Phases of Hitler life:
1889, 1915, 1921, 1939, 1945.

Omen 53
Many will die before Fênix dies (Hitler).
After 55 years and 10 month, he will find his (last) rest,
when the years 1915, 1921, 1939 have pass.
In 1915, he will be attacked by a decease;
in 1921, he will have a worrier and dangerous force for his life;
In 1939, he will be subject to a deluge of fire.

History: " Adolph Hitler was born in April of 1889 in Braunau on the Inn... When it was cable, was two times wounded (1915)... " " the year of 1921 is one year of success for the party, that counts, from now on, with more than six thousand members, of which a great part enters for the SA, called for periodicals of Munchen of ' Guard of Hitler ' " " While it covers Germany to bride partisan (they are three thousand, in the 1921 end), Captain Roehm, its assistant, it establishes the paramilitary organisation of the SA, or section of assault... It eliminates the right opposition in the night of 30 of June of 1934. Some hundreds of people were massacred, between them, Schleicher, that tried to regroup the military who still remained reticent about Hitler. Roehm, the very powerful and very independent head of the SA... " " During the last weeks, March-April of 1945, the leader of the war, pursued, it commits suicide with a shot in the mouth." " After all, at the afternoon, one of the last notice of the exterior world arrives: the capture and execution of Benito Mussolini and Clear Petacci. Eva Hitler was terrified: ' They go in them to make the same thing ' ' They will not make it ', answer Hitler, ' our bodies will be consumed by the fire until nothing she remains of them, not even the leached ashes '."

Hitler and the Third Reich.
The Massacres.
The Prosperity and Disaster of Germany.

The third one first does worse than Nero, 
How much human blood to flow, valiant, be gone: 
He will cause the furnace to be rebuilt, 
Golden Age dead, new King great scandal.

Hindenburg, in 1934, for plebiscite, assumes an absolute power as Fuhrer and chancellor of the new regimen, the Third Reich. It obtained to eliminate the unemployment (six million and two hundred thousand unemployed, in 1932), it commit the prosperity, it lead the house politics as well, of social jobs and great accomplishments, what it guaranteed the popular bracket to it." " the ' Frank Colloquies ' of the war time, full of hatred against the Jews and the Christianity (' Nero '), promise to the Russians losers the worse one of the servitude's, in contrast with the paradisiacal life that the German colonist led." " In 1945, books and films if they intitled Germany, year zero openly. Because the country looser seemed destroyed so, so abandoned, that everything had of being made of new... The crematories ovens allow that certain affirmations of 1945 are understood... In 8 of May of 1945, the unconditional capitulation of Germany marks the result of the great slaughter commanded and carried through for Hitler... The cities are in ruins. The deceased, the prisoners, the mutilated ones were million. They are shot in the chaos created by the total war made by Hitler other millions of Germans, expulses of the countries of the central Europe and the territories trusted to the Poland. Busy Germany was in the misery."

The Persecutions of Hitler.
The attempt of assassination in 20 of July of 1944.

The young Nero in the three chimneys 
Will cause live pages to be thrown to burn: 
Happy those who will be far away from such practices, 
Three of his blood will have him ambushed to death.

History: " the great strings of the extermination plan had been determined during a conference that had place in 20 of January of 1942, close to Berlin, under the presidency of Reinhard Heydrich, assistant of Himmler. The accurate verbal speech: ' the final solution of the Jewish problem in the Europe will be applied the eleven million people, more or less '.
" Since then, under it commands of Rudolph Eichmann, the entire Europe was searched, the patiently congregated Jews and envoy, most, for Auschwitz, where they were exterminates. according to managing of the field, three million deportees had died in Auschwitz. In all the fields, the bodies of the tortured ones were burnt in the crematories ovens... "
" In the end of the war some groups of opposition existed, of diverse conceptions e, many times, divergent. Most important it was what it organised one attempted against Hitler. He was commanded for Karl Goerdeler, former-burgomaster of Leipzig, and for General Beck. Colonel Von Stauffenberg placed in the great quarter-general of Hitler a bomb of little power, in day 20 of July of 1944. The attempted against one failed: Hitler was only slightly wounded."

Fight against Germany and Italy.

Two beset in burning fervor:
By thirst for two full cups extinguished,
The fort filed, and an old dreamer,
To the Genevans he will show the track from Nira.

History: " the great strings of the extermination plan had been determined during a conference that had place in 20 of January of 1942, close to Berlin, under the presidency of Reinhard Heydrich, assistant of Himmler. The accurate verbal speech: ' the final solution of the Jewish problem in the Europe will be applied the eleven million people, more or less '.
" Since then, under it commands of Rudolph Eichmann, the entire Europe was searched, the patiently congregated Jews and envoy, most, for Auschwitz, where they were exterminates. according to managing of the field, three million deportees had died in Auschwitz. In all the fields, the bodies of the tortured ones were burnt in the crematories ovens... "
" In the end of the war some groups of opposition existed, of diverse conceptions e, many times, divergent. Most important it was what it organised one attempted against Hitler. He was commanded for Karl Goerdeler, former-burgomaster of Leipzig, and for General Beck. Colonel Von Stauffenberg placed in the great quarter-general of Hitler a bomb of little power, in day 20 of July of 1944. The attempted against one failed: Hitler was only slightly wounded."

The court of Nuremberg (1945-1946).
The cold War.

A great number will be condemned 
When the monarchs will be reconciled: 
But for one of them such a bad impediment will arise 
That they will be joined together but loosely.

History: " the 20 of November of 1945, the first hearing of International the Military Court of Nuremberg had place, person in charge to judge the criminal considered controllers German of war. This court, made up of representatives of the four allied powers (U.S.A., the USSR, Grain-Britain and France), would go to take knowledge of the crimes against the peace. The Court of Nuremberg judged twenty and four great controllers economic politicians, military and of hitlerista Germany and six groups and organisations of the Third Reich. The sessions if had extended until 1.º of October of 1946. Numerous other criminal proceedings had less judged the crimes of war of the responsible ones of raised position, in Germany... "
" the convict to the death had been executed in 16 of October of 1946, between one and three hours of the dawn; the convict to the arrest had been for Spandau, close to Berlin." " the 2 of February of 1953, in its first message on the conjuncture of the Union, Eisenhower announced that it decides to neutralise Formosa; it also intended to denounce the Agreements of Yalta concluded by Roosevelt. The American attitude cause sufficient fidget."