Birth of Bonaparte (15 of August of 1769)
I.60 An Emperor will be born near Italy, who will cost the Empire very dearly. They will say, when they see his allies, that he is less a prince than a butcher.
History: When Napoleon was born, in 15 of August of 1769, the Corsica had been bought for Luis XV two years ago. She was not, therefore, Italian, but was not still French; from there the expression of Nostradamus, "close to Italy". "the Congress of Vienna (September of 1814-June of 1815) intends to eliminate of the map of Europe the modifications provoked by the Revolution and by the Empire... The France, limited for States barriers, does not have possibility to arrive at the natural borders." Napoleon costs a lot to France in deaths, defeats and ruins of all type. "Napoleon rose up again the Great Army: seven hundred a thousand men of all the nations." The battle of Eylau, called "the carnage under the snow", was one of deadliest battles taken over by Napoleon. "For the Treated one to Paris (1815), France lost all its conquests and became lesser of that before the wars and the Revolution." What it would cost one high price to the Empire!
The Predestined name of Napoleon
I.76 The man will be called by a barbaric name that three sisters will receive from destiny. He will speak then to a great people in words and deeds, more than any other man will have fame and renown.
History: The name of Napoleon drift, form two Greeks words which mean " new " and " exterminator ". Therefore, " Napoleon " means " the new exterminator". Soon, the direction of the following verse agrees perfectly to the meaning of the name of the emperor. Let us remember the slaughters of Eylau, "the carnage under the snow "; the withdrawal of Russia, Waterloo and the terrible story of the atrocities committed in the War of Spain, these war takes a character of fierce fanaticism as the incessant ambushes decimate the French army... "
The rise of Bonaparte. Napoleon and the Church.
VIII.57 From simple soldier he will attain to Empire, from the short robe he will grow into the long. Brave in arms, much worse towards the Church, he vexes the priests as water fills a sponge.
History: " the relationship with the Church, parentally, is good up to 1808. But, when its politics takes to occupy the Pontifical States and to jail the Pope, who protest and declares Napoleon excommunicated, the clergy and the Catholics take the party of the head of the Church, stopping in this way the support given to Napoleon. "You leave yourselves to lead for the priests and the noblemen who want commit the tenth and the tax laws. I will make justice. I will importunate them " Napoleon spoke to the people, in 1815. The conflict with Spain each day becomes more exacerbate and deviates the attention of the emperor of his objective, that consisted, simply, in becoming the head of the Roman States. He starts to demonstrate hostility to certain category of priests, what makes that the others are moved away. "the historians admire that Pious VII has chosen, to become the definitive rupture, an incident politician. In 1810, Pious VII said: I was provoked to the maximum; when I started to cry out already was with the water in the height of the chin."
Negotiations (1807). Retreat from Russia (1812).
II.99 Roman land as the omen interpreted Will be vexed too much by the Gallic people: But the Celtic nation will fear the hour, The fleet has been pushed too far by the north wind.
History: The religious difficulties were provoked by the fact of Napoleon wanted to keep the Pope prisoner (in Savona and later in Fontnainebleau, since 1812); the Pope had refused to apply the siege in his States which makes Napoleon occupy them. In 14 of September of 1812, Napoleon enters in Moscow, counting to install in this city his quarter of winter. During the night, a fire destroys the city and all its resources. Napoleon waits that the czar asks for peace, but the sovereign of Russia does not think about this, because he received reinforcements. Understanding that it was deceived, Napoleon commands the withdrawal. The march in return was painfully. The devastate country does not offer features, the Cossacks attacks constantly, the hunger and a rigorous and precocious winter decimates the soldiers. Someone asked Napoleon to what he attribute the failure of the dispatching and he answer to the premature cold and the fire of Moscow.
Battle of Waterloo (18 of June of 1815) The fall of Napoleon
IV.75 Ready to fight one will desert, The chief adversary will obtain the victory: The rear guard will make a defense, The faltering ones dead in the white territory.
History: The army commanded for Grouchy had been in charge by Napoleon to pursuit the army of Blucher. Not only it let to escape the army it failed to be present in the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon goes North with one hundred and twenty and five a thousand men, against one hundred a thousand English and two hundred and fifty thousand Prussians. After the victory in Ligny (16 of June) a violent combat is taken in plateaus of Mont-Saint-Jean, close to Waterloo, against the English of Wellington assisted by the Prussians of Blucher (18 of June). To the night, the panic and confusion dominate the French army: "alone, the guard dies but it does not surrender". Napoleon had lost great part of its army in the campaign of Russia
Napoleon Betrayed by the women. Napoleon Prisoner of the British .
IV.35 The fire put out the virgins will betray The greater part of the new band: Lightning in sword and lance the lone Kings will guard Etruria and Corsica, by night throat cut.
History: " General Belliard takes to Napoleon the notice of the surrender of Paris, signed during the night, and according to which the enemy troops would have to occupy the capital... It arrives at the six hours of the morning in Fontainebleau, where its guard and the remaining portion of its army waits him. There a series starts of intrigues of hall, that leads to the Reset of the Bourbon. Some diplomats, a handful of emigrated monarchists and its women, agitate in all the directions: his relatives had been putted in charge to agitate the white handkerchiefs. "the mode for which the ministers wanted that Napoleon were treated where little generous: they had given order so that they took off his sword.