of cults

    Nostradamus                 Others Prophets             Make money on the internet


     Peace Conferences
     Economic Crisis
     It Dries Bonanza
     The Hunger
     Multiplication of cults
     Yugoslavia War
     Epidemic: Aids

Catholic Church



Conversations: Nostradamus

Letter to Cesar

Letter to Henry II

Realised Prophecies:
     Soviet Revolution
     World War I
     Hitler (World War II)
     Middle East
     Word Cup   

Future Prophecies



The multiplication of the cults

In nº 4957 of April of 1992 of
the Quotidien du médecin, could be read, in an article of Philippe Roy: << Everything is pulled down. The family disintegrates itself. The school is quit. The cities become suburbs, colds, dehumanised. The individual turns over for proper itself. The money, only the money, with its cortege of excluded, of abandoned. For about 250 cults installed in France, with five hundred a thousand adepts, such context valley gold >> Here it is a description that portrays a civilisation end well. The cults are ones of the biggest symptoms. Nostradamus could not ignore this phenomenon and so consecrated  therefore, several of his square to it.
In the United States more than six hundred cults are counted, about four hundred in Berlin, one hundred and thirty in Russia; the scientology church has three hundred thousand members in Germany; the cults already would have enlisted ten thousand fiduciary offices in Hungary. All the Christian civilisation if finds reached by this proliferation, and same Japan, where if it saw the terror provoked for the cults that spread a mortal gas in the meter of Tokyo.

I, 45

A founder of sects, much trouble for the accuser: 
A beast in the theatre prepares the scene and plot. 
The author ennobled by acts of older times; 
The world is confused by schismatic sects.

The persecution (Latin sects, <<to pursue>>) of the cults will give great work to the plaintiff (Latin accuser). Stupid people in meeting (Latin - theatrum, << meeting >>) organise the stage. The author of this stage (Latin: inventor, << author >>) dissimulated behind virtuous acts. The confusion and the schisms will be installed in the world because of the cults.

I, 55

I the land with a climate opposite to Babylon 
there will be great shedding of blood. 
Heaven will seem unjust both on land and sea and in the air. 
Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.

In the region (French old: climate, << region >>) opposing to Iraq (that is, in Iran) will have great effusion of blood, to such point that the war on the land, the sea and in the sky will be favourable, this at the time of the cults, the hunger; in the countries it will be known epidemic and the confusion.
The war between Iraq and Iran started in 23 of September of 1980, finishing in 15 of August of 1990, after ten years of carnage that made hundreds of thousand of dead between the two contenders. The year of 1980 corresponds to the appearance of the AIDS one.

VII, 14

Fake exposure will come from topography,
Will be the pot of open monuments:
Pullulate cult fake philosophy, 
For whites, blacks & for ancient greens.

The falseness will be dispatches by post the naked when visiting the places; monuments in form of pots will be discovered. The cults will pullulate with false philosophies, independent of being white, black or Islamic magic (fundamentalism; the green is the colour of the Islam, emblem of the salvation).
Who did not see in the press photographs of the temples of the Mandaron with his roofs in form of inverted pots?

Presságio 118

To the biggest death, of honour & violence,
Professors of faith, their state & cult:
To the two biggest Church several noises, decadence
Bad neighbours fight church servants without test.

The famous and dead professors of the faith (monsignor Lefebvre and monsignor Caillot) will lose the honour, the energy, the ecclesiastical state and their cults: tumults and decay will reach the two great Churches (catholic and protestant), because of bad fiduciary offices that will enter in complaints with the servants of the Church, without having in account the Evangelic  (in old Frenchman,
test is the book of the Evangelic).
The word
violence here is used in the direction of << force of character >>, in reference to the phrase of the Evangelic of Mateus (XI, 12) << the kingdom of skies suffers violence, and the violent ones of it if they take possession>>.
The catholic and protestant churches are alarmed with the affirmation and the multiplication of the cults. In
Le Monde of 12 of October of 1991, for occasion of the trip of João Paulo II to Brazil, it was read that < < the development of the parallel religious movements - many considered times cults - worries until the protestant churches, of which with frequency if they complain >>.

Presságio 109

Pullulate plague. The cults fight between them 
Moderate Weather, the winter with little return:
Faith is debated seriously on churches,
Flood rivers deadly curs all around.

While an epidemic (AIDS) will spread, the cults will fight between them. The temperature will be moderated, as well as the Winter: the damages will be struggled caused in such a way in the mass as in the sermons, while the rivers will provoke flooding, with disasters, and deaths everywhere.
The Winter of 1995 was particularly moderated and rainy. The half, north of France, Belgium and Holland had suffered flooding. All the rain maximums had been beaten since that statisticians are made. Rivers as the Sena or the Reno had overflow of the stream beds. The damages had been considerable, with several dead.
The destitution of Monsignor Gaillot was occasion of manifestations, debates and sermons in the churches. Did not say monsignor Caillot its last
mass in the cathedral of Évreux in 22 of January of 1995? The official notice that removed it the episcopate of Évreux specified that this bishop << did not respect its commitments in certain relative points to the faith, to the teaching of the Saint Father and to disciplines canonical>>.

Text based on the book "New prophecies of  Nostradamus"
of Jean-Charles de Fontburne