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The war in the Yugoslavia

In 1980, in
Nostradamus hístorien et prophète, could be read as heading of 32ª.a squares of quatrain II: << the Yugoslavia abandoned to the slaughter. >> He is forcible to recognise that at this time was impossible to foresee << rationally >> the current situation in the former ones. Here it is this surprising prophecy square:

II, 32

Milk, frog's blood prepared in Dalmatia. 
Conflict given, plague near Treglia: 
A great cry will sound through all Slavonia, 
Then a monster will be born near and within Ravenna.

To the first sight, it cannot leave considering this text very abstruse. As most of the predictive writings of Nostradamus, this demands a work of minute inquiry to clarify it and to transcribe in current language. Here it is the translation: after the sweet of living
(milk, symbol of sweet, seven times used by Nostradamus), the blood of the people will run in Yugoslavia. When the conflict start, will have a plague close to Ballenstedt; then, the shout of the people will be great through all the Esclavony (old province of the Austrohungarian Empire whose county of Sírmio had as Vukovar headquarters); this city was destroyed in about 80%. Later it will have a calamity close and inside of Ravena.
Let us remember that the war in the Yugoslavia started in the coast of the Dalmácia with the locking and the bombardment of the cities of Dubrovnik (old Ragusa), Zadar and of Polishes. The translation, made in 1980, of
Balennes for Ballenstedt (small city of the former ones) seats in two ratios: in first place, Nostradamus indicated that it places in its text names of places as control points; in according to place, the expression close to it indicates that one is about a geographic designation. But that it has Ballenstedt to see with the situation in the Balconies? The city of Quedlimburgo meets it about twelve kilometre of Ballenstedt (close to, it wrote Nostradamus) These violence had compelled the authorities of the city to lock up the home of immigrants, who are object of these attacks of extremists.
It is frequent to see Nostradamus to bind in one same one squares events contemporaries who if uncurl in different places and they do not have relation apparently some between them. How much to the shouts of the people in the Esclavony, nobody forgot the pictures televising the city to martyr of Vukovar. Finally, in that the Ravena respects, the radio informed us, in sunday 20 of September, that a violent racist manifestation of the neo-fascists has taken place in Ravena.
The case of the Balconies still has little started and is far of its term. Let us see, therefore, the others squares of Nostradamus that are related to this dramatical situation:

IX, 60

Barbarian conflict in the black Headdress, 
Blood shed, Dalmatia to tremble: 
Great Ishmael will set up his promontory, 
Frogs to tremble Lusitania aid.

A conflict will be unchained by the Muslen in Istambul and the Black sea. The blood will be spilled in the Yugoslavia that will tremble under the bombardments. Let us remember that, in century XVI, Ismail I established in the Persia the dynasty of the Sefévidas. Nostradamus assigns for this name the head of State of Iran. However, in September of 1992, in Teeran, it had a manifestation of bracket to the Muslen of the Bosnia. In day 15, under the heading << 0 great Turkish brother of the Muslen of the Bosnia >>, the Libération periodical remembered us that << more than four million descending Muslen of emigrated from the Balconies lives in Istambul, where the Bosnians refugee continues to flow, strengthening a community that pressures the authorities to intervene in Sarajevo >>. This square shows to us as the Europeans are unconscious when leaving to cultivate a fire that easily will spread. Nostradamus concludes square indicating that the aid will come from Portugal, whose old name was Lusitania. One is to a conference or a next event? It is too much early for knowing, because, as it is habitual, Nostradamus binds in one same text events that if uncurl in times and different spaces. As in it squares precedent, Nostradamus uses the word frogs to indicate that if it really deals with the blood of the people who is spilled.

II, 84

Between Campania, Siena, Florence,
Tuscany,  Six months nine days without a drop of rain: 
The strange tongue in the Dalmatian land, 
It will overrun, devastating the entire land.

the Campânia (Naples), the Toscânia (Siena and Florença) and the Úmbria ( the Túscia understood the Etrúria and the Únbria), it will not rain during six months and nine days. One will hear to say a foreign language (Arab) in the Dalmácia. these foreigners will occupy and devastate the land. He is too much early for saying that foreign language will be heard in the Dalmácia: the Arab, the Russian, the Chinese?

VIII, 83

The largest sail set out of the port of Zara, 
near Byzantium will carry out its enterprise. 
Loss of enemy and friend will not be, 
a third will turn on both with great pillage and capture.

The biggest fleet (or aerial fleet; Nostradamus uses term candle to assign air-planes, whose first models were in screen) will leave the port of Zadar, whose old name is Zara, will launch its operation close to Istanbul and will provoke a great loss to its enemies. Let us remember that the war in the Yugoslavia started in the Dalmácia with the locking. e the bombardment for the federal fleet of the ports of Zadar, Pula and Dubrovnik. A third of the Yugoslavia will make great damages and it it will plunder the others two thirds (the Serbia represents approximately a third of the former ones). Nostradamus, adds in squares following that nobody will be capable to extinguish the fire:

IV, 82

A throng approaches coming from Slaconia,
The old Destroyer the city will ruin:
He will see his 'Romania' quite desolated,
Then he will not know how to put out the great flame.

Come armies of the Croatia (long ago
Esclavónia) are come close. The annihilator (Olestant) will ruin an old city. The Bosnia will be very desolate (planina Romania is the old name of the mountain string that dominates Sarajevo), later will not be known to extinguish the fire of the war.
Let us remember that one of the main cities of the Esclavónia is Vukovar and that, after its destruction, the federal army Serbian lode to be installed in the mountains that dominate Sarajevo to bomb and to surround this city, whose old name was Bosna-Sérai. This annihilator would be general Ratko Mladic? In a special number of November of 1992 of
the Libération, consecrated the Sarajevo, under the heading << Ratko Mladic, the brutality >>, is read: << 0 man who threatens to aniquilate the port of Split is pursued by the Croatia for genocide against civilians in diverse villages of the interior Dalmatian... >> In May of 1992, this general was nominated commander-head of the Serbian forces of the Bosnia. How much to this war that eternalise, it is verified with some frightening that nor the United States nor Europe Fifteen nor the ONU. are capable of putting a term.
The fire cultivates...

Text based on the book "New prophecies of  Nostradamus"
of Jean-Charles de Fontburne


     Peace Conferences
     Economic Crisis
     It Dries Bonanza
     The Hunger
     Multiplication of cults
     Yugoslavia War
     Epidemic: Aids

Catholic Church



Conversations: Nostradamus

Letter to Cesar

Letter to Henry II

Realised Prophecies:
     Soviet Revolution
     World War I
     Hitler (World War II)
     Middle East
     Word Cup   

Future Prophecies

