Atomic device creates greenhouse effect,
devastates agriculture
I p193 (cX-70)
A type of atomic device, not exactly a bomb, will be created that when set off can disrupt the planetary climate. It will displace an airmass that will upset the balance of hot and cold, so that a greenhouse effect will get out of balance and run to the extreme, causing drastic changes in the climate, and wreak havoc on agricultural production.
I p 195 (cX-71)
The earth and the air will freeze as another effect of the atomic device described above. Many countermeasures to the devastating climactic affects will be pursued but they will not succeed, in spite of government announcements urging the population to be calm and not to panic.
I. p55
A famine is caused by weaponry explosions. Accidents that will affect the crops.
Death by the "milky rain" weapon
I p 253 (cII-18)
A "rain of milk" alludes to nuclear weapons with bizarre effects on the weather, including a so-called "radiation rain". The weapons will represent a combination of the worse aspects of nuclear and laser weaponry. The laser weaponry, when it is shot down upon people, will resemble a white substance coming down.
"Explosion of light" causes horrible birth defects
I p 255 (cI-64)
In WWWIII some of the weapons will scream through the skies before they hit, terrifying and deadly to the population. An atomic or laser weapon detonated at night will cause victims to think they have seen the sun at night. The weapon produces a huge explosion of light. In addition to vast climactic damage the weapon will produce monstrous birth defects in babies, so that children will look almost "swinish" (i.e. like pigs). Scientists will frantically search for ways to alter the effects of the weapon's effect on newborns. A breakthrough will eventually be made, based on an unexpected source in the animal kingdom.
The top-secret earthquake-triggering weapon (ETW)
I p 237 (cIX-83)
A weapon will developed in secret underground laboratories that can trigger earthquakes at existing fault zones. It will work from a scientific principle recently discovered but not yet developed. The weapon will involve an airplane or airborne origination that may drop something or project a laser ray onto a region. An extension of the device is carried in a plane that flies over the area and focuses energy waves where the earthquake is to be triggered. The more technologically complex power source will be based and channelled from the secret laboratory via the plane.
The country that develops this will be able to hold it as a major threat against major nations, because most nations have geological faults that are susceptible to earthquakes and therefore the weapon. The situation will parallel the development of the atomic bomb by the U.S. in that the country will be the sole owner and the capability for destruction will be so awe-inspiring and frightening that everyone, including the infidels, will call upon the saints for protection.
Diplomacy dies with international earthquake terrorism
The revelation of the weapon will cause a disintegration of diplomatic nations and the United Nations will eventually dissolve, because the paranoid nation that developed the weapon will not share its technology but instead use it as a method of international terrorism.
ETW unleashed on San Andreas and New Madrid faults
The weapon will not be revealed immediately to the world. Only after the country actually uses it and there is an earthquake generated by it, followed by many others that occur without the characteristic buildup of geological pressure, will people become suspicious. The initial earthquake triggered by the weapon will be sufficient to cause other earthquakes in a chain reaction. The San Andreas and New Madrid faults in the U.S. will be affected. The San Andreas will continually rumble and vibrate as a result of the earthquakes triggered by the weapon, in time driving the New Madrid fault to eventually erupt explosively and violently. Initially geologists will think the earthquakes are due to natural causes but later information will point elsewhere and they'll begin to be suspicious. After more earthquakes and further evidence they will finally confront the scientific world with the mounting evidence that they are not natural.
Antichrist obtains ETW through espionage and treachery
During the time of radical earth changes this weapon will be applied to create many earthquakes, generally before the Antichrist comes to power. The nation that develops the machine builds it independent of the Antichrist's forces, but later when he gains greater power he will be able to acquire the weapon. He'll seize the machine for his own agenda of worldwide conquest. The Antichrist will acquire the machine through deceit, trickery, spies, bribery, and all other nefarious means known to man.
Death by radio waves
I p 165 (cII-2)
A new type of weapon involving radio waves played at a certain frequency will be developed. At certain frequencies and intensities the energy can cause intense pain in the nerve endings and damage areas of the brain, or even be lethal.
Human eugenics research advanced by the King of Terror
I p 244 (cX-72)
In 1999 and WWWIII many horrible areas of research will be pursued, including a eugenics project, i.e. breeding humans for selected characteristics. This particular research will have been ongoing for decades. The scientists attempt to bring back some of the less civilized, fiercer humans, still smart but cunning and strong, for the purpose of infantry soldiers. The governments engage the breeded humans in battles and the scientists will try to tabulate their performance relative to normal human soldiers.
This will happen during the period of WWWIII and enormous social unrest. U.S., Japan, Russia, and some European countries will be involved. They have the gold to fund the research. A "King of Terror", the "power behind the throne", is in charge of the project. He has enormous secret influence and greatly feared, unchallenged power over policy decisions in various countries.
Eugenics scientists meet grisly deaths
from public backlash
I p 246 (cI-81)
A secret, isolated panel of scientists will develop super-weapons during the time of troubles. They will somewhat unaware of the worldwide wars because of their seclusion. After the "tide has turned" they are no longer on the winning side and their identities are exposed to the winning side. Their fate will be determined according to their role in participation, with some meeting grisly deaths.
Three scientists in particular with the initials K, Th, and L will meet with particularly dramatic demises. These scientists will be chiefly involved with the eugenics project, one reason the populace's reaction to their endeavors will be so violent. Many scientists are involved but nine head the project. The project was started in the 1930s and has been carried on in different countries over the decades since then. It will reach a culmination in the time of troubles.