Prophecies-part 2

    Nostradamus                 Others Prophets             Make money on the internet


     Peace Conferences
     Economic Crisis
     It Dries Bonanza
     The Hunger
     Multiplication of cults
     Yugoslavia War
     Epidemic: Aids

Catholic Church



Conversations: Nostradamus

Letter to Cesar

Letter to Henry II

Realised Prophecies:
     Soviet Revolution
     World War I
     Hitler (World War II)
     Middle East
     Word Cup   

Future Prophecies



Future Prophecies:

Part 1               Part 2               Part 3               Part 4

Part 2:

A comet will be visible during seven days. The Pope runs away from Rome.
The great star will burn for seven days, 
The cloud will cause two suns to appear: 
The big mastiff will howl all night 
When the great pontiff will change country.   

Divergence between three State leaders, during the passage of the  comet. The Netherlands and Rome envolved in revolution.
During the appearance of the bearded star. 
The three great princes will be made enemies: 
Struck from the sky, peace earth quaking, 
Po, Tiber overflowing, serpent placed upon the shore.

Iraq against Occident. Italy occupied.
The citizens of Mesopotamia
angry with their friends from Tarraconne; 
games, rites, banquets, every person asleep,
the vicar at Rhône, the city taken and those of Ausonia.

Death by poison, of na enemy State leader. Meteoric rain.
The great old enemy mourning dies of poison, 
The sovereigns subjugated in infinite numbers: 
Stones raining, hidden under the fleece, 
Through death articles are cited in vain.   

The fall of the invaders. The comet.
'Mabus' then will soon die, there will come 
Of people and beasts a horrible rout: 
Then suddenly one will see vengeance, 
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.   

A comet appears in June. War in Italy, Greece and in the Red Sea. Death of the Pope.
There will appear towards the North
  Not far from Cancer the bearded star:
Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria, 
The great one of Rome will die, the night over.

Death of Pope. The comet. Economic ruin. Italy, an agitated country. II.15
Shortly before the monarch is assassinated, 
Castor and Pollux in the ship, bearded star: 
The public treasure emptied by land and sea, 
Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Turin land under interdict.

The Tyrant killed in muslin lands. The war of retaliation against the Occident. The fall of the Republic
The tyrant Selin will be put to death at the harbour 
but Liberty will not be regained, however. 
A new war arises from vengeance and remorse. 
A Dame is honoured through force of terror.   

The fall of the Republic. The muslin troops in Italy.
To Ogmios will be left the realm 
Of the great Selin, who will in fact do more: 
Throughout Italy will he extend his banner,
He will be ruled by a prudent deformed one.   

The end of the fifth Republic. Conflict between the Russians and their muslin allies.
When the litters are overturned by the whirlwind 
And faces are covered by cloaks, 
The new republic will be troubled by its people. 
At this time the reds and the whites will rule wrongly.

Wars in Palestine. Conflict between Arabians and Israelites.
The populous places will be uninhabitable: 
Great discord to obtain fields: 
Realms delivered to prudent incapable ones: 
Then for the great brothers dissension and death.   

The East origin of the third world war.
From the Orient will come the African heart 
to trouble Hadrie and the heirs of Romulus. 
Accompanied by the Libyan fleet  the temples of Malta
and nearby islands shall be deserted.   

The Colonel Khadafi raise the Arabic world against the Occident. III.27
Libyan Prince powerful in the West 
Will come to inflame very much French with Arabian. 
Learned in letters condescending he will 
Translate the Arabian language into French.   

Persecution in the muslin countries of Asia, specially in Turkey. 
Throughout all Asia (Minor) great proscription, 
Even in Mysia, Lycia and Pamphilia. 
Blood will be shed because of the absolution 
Of a young black one filled with felony.

Invasion of Italy. The Mediterranean cost. Earthquakes.
I weep for Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Genoa, 
Savona, Siena, Capua, Modena, Malta: 
For the above blood and sword for a New Year's gift, 
Fire, the earth to tremble, water, unfortunate nolition.

End of peace in the Middle East. France and Portugal involved in the conflit. 
The Punic faith broken in the East, 
Ganges, Jordan, and Rhone, Loire, and Tagus will change: 
When the hunger of the mule will be satiated, 
Fleet sprinkles, blood and bodies will swim.   

Conflit on Adriatic sea. Egypt enters the war.
Wreck for the fleet near the Adriatic Sea: 
The land trembles stirred up upon the air placed on land: 
Egypt trembles Mahometan increase, 
The Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out.

The schism on Catholic Church. Prince Charles wounded in London.
Within the land of the great heavenly temple, 
Nephew murdered at London through feigned peace: 
The bark will then become schismatic,
Sham liberty will be proclaimed everywhere.

The schism and anti-Pope. The peace threat signed near Venice.
For seven months, no longer, will he hold the office of prelate, 
through his death a great schism will arise; 
for seven months another acts as prelate near Venice, 
peace and union are reborn.   

The desertion of two countries from the Varsovia pact. The Pope, Paris, and Province attacked, even dough Poland
The circuit of the great ruinous deed, 
The seventh name of the fifth will be: 
Of a third greater the stranger warlike: 
Sheep, Paris, Aix will not guarantee.   

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Text based on the book "Nostradamus prophet and historian"
of Jean-Charles de Fontburne